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吉莉安·达拉著 2023年10月6日

In ag体育正规, “cult” associations aren’t necessarily a negative thing—in regards to wines and wineries that is. The label of cult wineries is often thrown around in the Valley as an elite title reflecting a winery with limited production of high quality wines and a dedicated following. Many of these cult wineries sell out of their vintages in days and have years-long waiting lists for memberships. 哦,正因为这些特点,高价位是邪典葡萄酒的标准.

正如我们所说, 在硅谷,cult并不一定是个贬义词, but there are some winemakers and vintners who shy away from it because of what the expression has come to encompass. 在光谱的另一端, 消费者喜欢这个词, 特别是如果他们能喝到这些邪典酒的话. 不管你怎么想, 然而, cult wineries exist and are very much a symbol of ag体育正规 (though there are cult wineries around the world, ). 下面是你应该知道的10个ag体育正规的酒庄, 包括一些迅速加入邪教行列的新星.

图片由 岩性

岩性 pays tribute to the study of ag体育正规’s unique geographic history lending itself to the region’s unmistakeable terroir. Most famed for their Cabernet Sauvignon sourced from their 13-acre vineyard under the Alejandro Bulgheroni Estate in St. 海伦娜, 岩性 also produces single vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon and 卡本内弗朗 sourced from the highly sought after plots of Beckstoffer博士. Crane, Beckstoffer Las Piedras,和Beckstoffer To Kalon. The Estate recently added a tiny block of Sauvignon Blanc that is sure to be a cult hit of its own in seasons to come.

圣梅多伍德巷500号. 海伦娜,加利福尼亚州94574,(707)963-6015

图片由 尖叫的鹰

没有哪一份邪典葡萄酒的名单是不完整的 尖叫的鹰该品牌被认为是90年代末这一领域的先驱. 虽然成为邪教并不是简·菲利普斯的本意, 谁在1986年创立了这个品牌, the wine’s notoriety has only compounded since its first 100 points by Robert Parker in 1997 (rating their very first vintage from 1992). The flagship Cabernet Sauvignon is traditionally blended with tiny amounts of 梅洛 and 卡本内弗朗. You may find a stray bottle on the market selling in the range of thousands of dollars (their 2019 vintage starts at $3,899), 然而, 酒厂公开反对转售其独家成员名单.


图片由 稻草人

一个极简主义的标签展示了一个家庭图标, 稻草人 pays homage to the original owner’s ranch where its ultra-premium Cabernet Sauvignon grapes are grown—JJ Cohn was Chief of Production at MGM during Hollywood’s ‘golden era’ and played an essential role in the production of The Wizard of Oz. 而稻草人认出了这个名字, 可爱的性格也是骄傲的象征, 美国农业. 单葡萄园的产量不超过2个,000 cases bottled per vintage and is only available to mailing list members on a first-come, 先得先得,没有分配.


图片由 石头的山

成立于1952年, this storied Spring Mountain estate is more known for its white wines than its reds—quite unusual for wineries in ag体育正规. 事实上,它被称为美国最伟大的白葡萄酒庄园. In 2009, the secluded winery started adding estate-grown Cabernet Sauvigonon and 梅洛 to its portfolio, 但只继续销售其限量生产, 通过邮件列表崇拜葡萄酒. 直到最近几年 石头的山 开始欢迎人们来它的专属房产, 在那里,经过改造的“石山住宅”(Residence at 石头的山)以一种诱人的方式迎接客人, 中世纪现代背景. 因为酒厂仍然只生产少量的葡萄酒, 客人可以买多少瓶带回家是有限制的.

3331 St. 圣海伦娜公路北. 海伦娜,加利福尼亚州94574,(707)963-2636

图片由 哈伦房地产

1984年,Bill Harlan创立 哈伦房地产 with the goal to create First Growth California wines—reminiscent of the best Grand Crus from Bordeaux. 现在被公认为山谷中最早的cult酒庄之一, 该庄园以其两个顶级品牌而闻名, 少女, 以及其专有的Red Blend, 产自赤霞珠, 梅洛, 卡本内弗朗, 还有小维多 grown on Harlan’s 240 acres that rises in elevation from 225 to 1,海拔225英尺. The varying elevation of the vineyards provide distinct terroir for these first growth wines which has undoubtedly contributed to the estate’s global reputation.



H区三家酒庄之一. William Harlan (the others include the aforementioned 哈伦房地产 as well as BOND), 海角 作为硅谷的一个相对较新的公司而出名. 哈兰家族于2008年收购了这块占地860英亩的地产, and have maintained its ruggedness–a facet that makes both the wine so special and limited as less than 10% of the land is under vine. The first Cabernet Sauvignon-dominant blend to hit the market was in 2009 (though 海角 produced a 2008 vintage, 业主对结果不满意,不会卖掉它。. 海角 differs from many other cult wineries as it offers a tasting room (by appointment only) and allocation of wines.

1601 奥克维尔 Grade, 奥克维尔, CA 94562, (707) 944-0125

图片由 组分酒公司

这个精品品牌是由迈克尔·肯尼迪创立的, former sommelier and wine director for chef Eric Ripert’s Blue at The Ritz-Carlton, 大开曼岛, with a mission to isolate specific parcels of vineyards from top sites throughout the Valley to hone in on the beauty of each single “component”—grapes that’re typically thrown into a blend. 组件第一款产自纳帕的葡萄酒是2013年的小维多(Petit Verdot)(只生产了两桶)。. 2014年,他们将赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)和品丽珠(卡本内弗朗)加入了他们的投资组合. 今天, 在酿酒师马克·加格农(Marc Gagnon)的指导下,组件每年生产约750箱酒, the former assistant winemaker at 尖叫的鹰 and head winemaker at Bryant Family Vineyard, 谁在2019年加入了这个团队.

加利福尼亚州纳帕市克鲁泽巷270号,邮编94559,(707)332 -2499

In 2019 — 贝拉橡树最新的一款——只有430箱是他们的专利产品, 单葡萄园赤霞珠. 葡萄园坐落在Mayacamas山脉的山脚下, 也就是所谓的卢瑟福法官席, 可以追溯到19世纪中期. 当苏珊娜·迪尔·布斯在2010年买下这处房产时, she enlisted some of the best in the industry to revitalize this historic plot and simultaneously emphasize biodynamic practices, 包括葡萄园经理大卫·阿布鲁, 酿酒师奈杰尔·金斯曼, 和搅拌大师迈克尔·罗兰. 该庄园于2019年获得了有机认证, of which the same year’s vintage received 100 points by Antonio Galloni of Vinous Media.


图片由 罗伊房地产

This 47-acre estate was purchased in 2017 by Stephan Crétier and his wife Stéphany Maillery specifically for its world-class vineyard blocks of Cabernet Sauvignon, 梅洛, 还有小维多, 它们构成了他们今天的葡萄酒组合: 罗伊房地产 赤霞珠,罗伊庄园. Evans Proprietary Red, and only released in exceptional vintages, 罗伊房地产 La Rêveuse. 从那时起,小罗伯特·帕克. has described this 纳帕 property as “a hidden gem and top under-the-radar wine estate” producing wines of elegance and length. Each vintage never exceeds 1,500 cases, but La Rêveuse typically caps out at 50 cases or fewer.

加利福尼亚州纳帕市苏打峡谷路1220号,邮编94558,(707)968 -1710

图片由 反之亦然

由蒙特利尔人Patrice Breton于2003年创立, 反之亦然 主要是作为期货直接出售给消费者根据他们的邮寄名单. 这意味着许多葡萄酒在装瓶之前就已经出售了, 这是对该品牌在硅谷成功的认可. 对于2019年份, 反之亦然 released 13 wines—primarily Cabernet Sauvignon but two outliers included Pinot Noir and Chardonnay from Platt Vineyard—totaling 3,020例. 除了普拉特和他们自己的葡萄园, 反之亦然 sources grapes across vineyards recognized for their exclusivity and excellence, including; Beckstoffer To Kalon (the 2019 single vineyard expression recently received a second 100 points from The 酒 Advocate), Beckstoffer博士. Crane, Beckstoffer Las Piedras, Beckstoffer George III,和Steltzner.

1461铁路大道东100,St. 海伦娜,加利福尼亚州94574,(707)412-8423

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